Young people do not blindly adopt every tradition. So, the shelf position, distribution and, eventually, tradition gradually faded away. How could we get young people back on board? How could we make this tradition relevant again for the new generation?
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Back to brand essence. Consumers want to engage with your brand. But you have to make the first move. Vegter is all about family, cosiness, care, enjoyment. Vegter's wafer rolls are designed to bring people closer together. Because that is the essence of the tradition. Bye, individualism... Hello, Vegter.
No matter how different we are, we can still have a fantastic time together. For the campaign, we did have to break one old-fashioned tradition: we went digital. Because that's how we can engage young people. We developed the “Rolsteen” app game. The very best cosiness catalyst for two. So, tap first, taste later.
Would an app like that work? Well, certainly not without testing it. So we invited some wonderful people to our studio to test out the Rolsteen app. And we had good old-fashioned fun. We used the footage of the tests for the online mini-ads. That’s how we built the best content. Five million viewers saw it online.
Hordes of people downloaded and played our game. The packaging also played an important role in the media mix and in in-store promotions. The tradition was used to win back young people to Vegter. A great success to build on.