Nuisance to be proud of
Coteq Netbeheer is the regional gas and electricity grid operator for much of Twente and the municipality of Hardenberg. As part of the Cogas Group, the Coteq brand is still unknown. But people are going to be seeing a lot of it in the near future. High time, then, to work on Coteq's brand awareness.
  • Strategy
  • Brand Identity
  • Content & Social
What we did
  • Concept
  • Introduction campaign
  • AI
  • 3D
  • Visual identity
Coteq mole makes the energy transition fun.
The energy transition is upon us. You literally trip over it on your way to work. Coteq will open up one in three streets over the next five years to replace the current cables and gas pipes. This means an unprecedented operation and nuisance in the region. It will be a step forward in the end, but it does require clear communication.
  • Communication
  • Effective
  • Striking
  • Humour
Something wonderful ahead.

Coteq is hard at work. All for the greater good. Because nobody wants a faltering power grid. Everyone wants answers... “How long will the work in our street take?”, “Should I really do away with gas now?”, “Why do we have to pay when we feed energy back to the grid?”. At the end of the day, the Coteq team will create something wonderful.

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-11-28 om 14.11.21
Scherm­afbeelding 2024-11-28 om 14.11.05
Perfect spokesperson.

Who would be the perfect spokesperson for Coteq during this transition? It took some doing to find him. They have to be knowledgeable about land issues. They need to dig in firmly. They should regularly show their face around the neighbourhood. And they have to communicate in a simple and understandable way with absolutely everyone. Co the mole has all these qualities. He is friendly, fuzzy and can clearly explain what he is doing and why. He puts a positive and sympathetic spin on the purely businesslike announcements that Coteq often has to make.

Hey ho, let’s Co

Together with Co, we are building a recognisable, strong and likeable Coteq brand that puts a little smile on your face even in times of transition. Co also helps the customer service department where he can. You can contact him with questions about your connection, your smart meter and much more.

Do you want your own Co?
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